CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Override Table Management
    In This Topic

    The Layer button on the Mach.General > Tool page opens the Form Editor to allow you view/modify the Strategy Table.

    Layer Button - Click to Expand

    Layer Button - Click to Expand

    The form that allows access to the Strategy, Override and Layer Management pages is launched only if the Use Layer Strategies option is enabled through the Registry Settings. If enabled this will be reflected on the Mach.General > Const2 page, as shown.

    Drawing Properties : Mach. General > Const2 page  -  Click to Expand

    Drawing Properties : Mach. General > Const2 page  -  Click to Expand


    Managing Overrides

    The Override Table Management page has two (2) modes ...

    Standard Override Table Form  -  Click to Expand

    Standard Override Table Form  -  Click to Expand

    Advanced Override Table Form  -  Click to Expand

    Advanced Override Table Form  -  Click to Expand


    Override Settings

    Default Warning

    When a layer name does not have an Override mapping to a strategy, the Default strategy is used as the machining is exported.  However, this may not give the desired machining result. 

    The Show Warning message when 'Default' used option determines whether CabMaster warns of any use of the Default.

     The warning will not stop the machining export occurring.  It merely warns the user, so that they can rectify any issues and re-export.



    Available in Standard and Advanced mode



    Available in Advanced mode only:

    1. Select the relevant Override name from the drop list (populated from the layer table e.g. Layers.qlt )
    2. Select a Strategy from the drop list (populated from the current strategy table e.g. LayerStrategy-BW.qlt)
    3. Press on the 'Save' button
    4. Confirm the modifications are to be saved

    Note : The modification can be reset by pressing the 'Reload' before saving.


    Add New

    Available in Advanced mode only:

    1. Press on the 'Add New' button
    2. Type in an Override name that does not already exist
    3. Confirm the Override is to be added
    4. If necessary, select the linked Strategy (populated from the current strategy table e.g. LayerStrategy-BW.qlt )
    5. Press on the 'Save' button
    6. Confirm the modifications are to be saved



    Available in Advanced mode only:

    1. Select the Override name to remove from the drop list
    2. Press the 'Remove' button to the right of the chosen Override
    3. Confirm the removal



    Override Table Location

    <your CabMaster folder>\Table\Machining\Layers\LayerOverride.qlt

    Table Details

    This table (referred to in this document as the 'Override' table) is used by the application to evaluate the actual layer names placed in the resulting DXF. 

    Although created with BiesseWorks® in mind, it is generic to allow other systems to integrate in the same way if necessary.

    If the registry setting DXTasXML=7, the application looks up this table using the calculated layer name (from the 'Layers' table), evaluates the 'Name' column and substituted the exported layer name with the result.

    It is anticipated that this table will rarely be edited.


    Example of Override Table






    See Also